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October 2020 Conservation Drainage Webinar


DLLC Documents


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NFWF Project Spotlight:Manure/Litter Matching Services webinar (facilitated by DLLC)

Selection Guidance for Common and Emerging Manure Treatment Technologies and Practices DRAFT (2018). USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. PDF file.

Beneficial Uses of Manure and Environmental Protection, U.S. EPA. PDF file.

Three Decades of Consolidation in U.S. Agriculture (2018) EIB-189, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. PDF file.

Lower Eastern Shore Air Monitoring Project Data

Agricultural Air Quality Conservation Measures Reference Guide for Poultry and Livestock Production Systems (2017). US Department of Agriculture and EPA. PDF file. 

Poultry Sustainability Guide (2019). Environmental Defense Fund .PDF file.

Understanding nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and implications for management and restoration—the Eastern Shore (ver. 1.2, June 2015): U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1406, 72 p. PDF file.